Starting a new nuclear construction industry is hard work
Construction at Vogtle units 3 and 4 and VC Summer units 2 and 3 is not going as well as many nuclear advocates would like.
I’m not surprised, but neither are most people who have been involved
in complex construction and technology projects that involve a lot of
moving parts and numerous interested parties. Nothing that happens at
those projects will change my mind that atomic fission is a superior way
to produce heat and boil water. There is little chance that events at
those individual projects will convince me that there is something
fundamentally wrong with the advanced passive reactor plant design.
are some important lessons that need to be shared widely so that the
chances of them recurring is minimized, but it is difficult to
completely eliminate the challenges that will inevitably be a part of
all major construction projects. For the nuclear industry and all
nuclear advocates, it is important to recognize that even if things were
going perfectly, there would still be plenty of negative publicity
coming from the professional opposition to what we do. We are involved
in starting up a new nuclear construction industry, almost from scratch.
For the sake of brevity, I will put the current issues at Vogtle and
Summer into three categories—backlog of design changes from the
certified design, delays that were partially caused by licenses and
permits whose issuance was resisted at every step of the process, and an
error that resulted in laying concrete rebar that did not match the licensed standard requirements.
Soon after the issuance of the AP1000 design certification and the
associated combined operating license for Vogtle, the project leaders
began the process of submitting design license amendments so that they
could implement changes and refinements. Many of the requested design
modifications are based on lessons learned during the construction of
similar units in China. Unfortunately for the project owners, the
Nuclear Regulatory Commission has no process for handling license
amendments that can keep up with the needs of a construction project.
The “one step” licensing process that is described in 10 CFR 52
(CFR–Code of Federal Regulations) results in the issuance of an
operating license based on a certified design. The underlying assumption
by the regulators is that the design is complete and will not be
changed during construction. Any changes to the design as certified need
an operating license amendment.
Even if the change is an improvement, it requires a rigorous NRC
evaluation and approval process designed to prevent unintended negative
consequences directly affecting reactor safety. The operating license
amendment process is quite different from the one used to process
changes when the owners build based on a construction permit and request
their operating license after completing construction and low power
The problem with one step licensing is that it is a poor assumption
to believe that it is possible to build first-of-a-kind (FOAK)
construction projects without making any changes to a design that was
completely conceived on paper and inside computers. Reality often does
not match models. In addition, construction codes and standards are
continuously evolving; even though the process is slow, there are
inevitably going to be changes that might affect a design that was first
submitted for certification 10 years before construction actually
The backlog of potential changes for Vogtle and Summer developed
because the leaders were understandably reluctant to submit any changes
while the design certification work was still in progress. There is not
much that the project leaders can do at this point other than to be even
more reluctant than they already are to accept any suggestions that
would require a license amendment.
With the clarity made possible by hindsight, the Part 52 one-step
licensing process might not be the best choice for any FOAK nuclear
power plant, even if similar units have been built outside of the United
States. US licensing requirements are different enough to require what
is essentially a new design and a different construction process.
The opposition’s strategy: delay
It is hard for nuclear advocates to fail to notice that the organized
opposition—which did everything in its power to slow the licensing and
permitting processes required for Vogtle and Summer—are engaging in “I
told you so” crowing about the high cost of new nuclear plant
construction. Every story about a potential cost overrun is accompanied
by quotes from groups like Southern Alliance for Clean Energy and Arjun
Makhijani’s Institute for Energy and Environmental Research. (Note:
Makhijani is famous for fantasizing about a carbon free, nuclear free energy supply.)
Arjun Makhijani, the president of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, said efforts to rush such a complex project to completion set the scene for delays and rising costs.
“The cost increase should not be a surprise; rather it is déjà vu all over again,” he said. “It would be much better if construction were suspended until all design issues were resolved.”
(Source: Augusta Chronicle (May 11, 2012) Price of Vogtle expansion could increase $900 million)
There is no secret to the opposition’s recipe for making any construction project excessively costly. All they have to do is to force schedule delays
and costs inevitably increase due to financing, idle labor, labor force
reconstitution, issues associated with supply chains, and inflation.
Project managers are rarely applauded for missing deadlines, even if
they adhere to a carefully prepared, logical schedule that gets pushed
to the right (on a timeline) by external forces. Once delays have been
imposed, costs will increase again if efforts are made to revise schedules and accelerate work to attempt to get back on schedule.
Supply chain issues are especially difficult to explain to people who
have not worked in an industrial setting. When the parts that are
needed are large and custom made, they need to be ordered months to
years in advance. Once those parts are finished, the manufacturer needs
to ship or needs to get paid for storage.
If the parts require special environmental controls to ensure that
they do not deteriorate, storage charges increase dramatically.
Suppliers who have to delay order shipments or who receive purchase
orders several months after they expected the orders to arrive become
more reluctant to do business. (That means that they start negotiations
for the next order at a higher unit price.) Suppliers also logically
delay investing in production capacity until after the orders—and the
associated payments—actually arrive.
The final current issue associated with Vogtle and Summer is a
specific error that resulted in rebar (reinforcement bars of steel that
strengthen concrete) being laid at both projects that did not match the concrete standard
that was included as part of the certified design. Correcting the error
will result in a several month delay at both projects while rebar is
removed, new rebar is cut and the new rebar is laid. No concrete can be
poured before that happens and there are many steps in the construction
process that cannot take place until the concrete is in place.
Management is going to be distracted.
The source of the error has not been determined and the results of
the investigation may never be made public. What seems to have happened
is that someone or some group on the project team decided to use a
reinforced concrete standard that was updated after the license was
approved. That standard specified a different rebar configuration. The
design change was prepared, but never approved by the NRC. Somehow, the
rebar was installed to the newer standard even though the license
amendment had not been approved. I suspect that there was a
communications breakdown that prevented the installers in the field from
knowing the exact status of the design. It might have been as simple as
a drawing or specification that specified a standard without specifying
the exact revision of the standard.
It is going to be an expensive lesson. It is one that can be avoided
by projects that have not yet begun construction. In nuclear
construction projects, effective change control and effective
communications plans are essential.
Reviving a slumbering giant of an industry is hard work. There will
be plenty of successes to celebrate, but I would not be a “nuke” if I
did not seek to learn as much as possible from the difficulties
experienced by others and if I did not seek to document those lessons so
that others can also avoid making the same errors. That is part of
our learning culture.
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